Hockey Bags

Browse our range of hockey bags and hockey stick bags available from MR Cricket Hockey. We stock a huge range of hockey bags from the world’s leading manufacturers including Grays Hockey, Adidas Hockey, Mercian, Kookaburra Hockey and Osaka Hockey. There are many different hockey bags available, from your basic hockey stick bag that will hold one stick and usually have a small pocket for a gum shield. Moving up to medium size hockey bags which will carry more than one stick and often has space for accessories such as water bottles, hockey shoes, shin guards and mouth guards.
We are finding an increase in the popularity of hockey backpacks which have a dedicated area to carry your hockey stick but have the space and convenience of a standard backpack that can be easily transported to matches at school or university. In addition to this, we offer the opportunity to really make your hockey bag stand out by personalising it with your club crest and name or number. This will really add some pride to your hockey bag.
If you have any questions or need any support in buying your new hockey bag then please email us at or call 01638 741611